July 2020
School is out!
Our kids school partially opened about a month before Summer
break. Because Helen is a front line worker our kids went 5
days a week, but we still had a ton of "do from home" online
work. The kids and use were glad to be done school!
Covid restrictions also loosened - we could now move around the
province and visit people as long as the groups were small
enough. After a week of "not seeing people", we sent the kids
to Victoria for a week to hang out with the Grandparents. I
went over for the drop off and pick up weekends.
Kids went to the beach and found crabs!

Nara bugged my Dad to get some boards out of the garage and found a
way to make an impromptu fort in the trees in the back yard.
Normally they come back with sticky pitch all over their hands and
clothes. Now it just mostly their clothes.

I enjoy going to Outerbridge Park.

Comet Neowise was in the sky. One night we went up to the top
of Mount Douglas to try and see it, but with the city all around us,
it was quite faint. Even with software, I had a hard time
making a great photo out of it.

We tried going to Emily Carr house in Victoria. Due to some
crossed signals, it was actually open yet. That said, they did
have some great flowers in the front yard.

We went for a walk on the Breakwater at Ogden point. My kids
being kids didn't want to walk on the top - they wanted to walk on
the giant stone blocks that make up the breakwater.

Tags: Outerbridge Park(3), Mount Douglas(2), astrophotography(2), Cordova Bay(2), beach(2), crab(2)
People: Claira(3), Nara(3)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2020
Last Modified Saturday, January 28th, 2023 at 23:17:09 Edit
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