August 2016
The hot days of summer
BC Day at Terra Nova Adventure Playground

We spent the two weeks before BC Day on
"Vacation" - camping in the Shuswap and a Trip to Victoria.
We came home in time to meet up with friends at the Terra Nova
Adventure Playground in Richmond. Two of Helen's Friends
from highschool - Jin and Linda and their kids met up in the park
for lunch and an afternoon of playing.
The playground is lots of fun, but we got a new game to
play. There is a very slow piece of water in the park full
of Green Frogs. These are an invasive species (introduces as
farmed food, later escaped) so I don't feel too bad about the kids
trying to touch them with reeds. The frogs are very patient
- if a reed (or camera) approaches them, they seem to still.
Only if you actually touch them with a reed do they actually
jump. There were lots of frogs of various sizes for the kids
to find and touch.
Norquay Playground
It's nice weather outside so you can't sit
inside for long periods of time. We had a weekend day
without plans so we went to Norquay for a picnic with friends, a
play on the playground and some water park time. You know
your kids have had a good summer when the prospect of running in
the water park doesn't even get them excited.
Milky Way in Stanley Park

After taking photos of the Milky way in
Victoria, I wanted to try again in the city. Really, you
can only see the Milky Way in a dark sky, but there are ways
(using HDR filters) to bring out the Milky Way in a light polluted
city shot. The Perseid Meteor Shower was just getting
started so if I saw a meteor too, that would be cool. Of
course you can't see the Milky way if the Moon is up so I wound up
waking up late (like 1am) after the moon had set and went out to
see what I could see.
My Grandfathers 92 Birthday

My grandfather turned 92 this year.
His birthday is in August which is a great time of the year on
Vancouver Island. My uncle kindly offered to organize a
picnic and a large collection of people soon arranged to join to
which Philip happy 92nd.
My grandparents have four children, nine grandchildren and
currently eight great grandchildren. We were short one for
the picnic. Having a lush yard, of course the great
grandchildren just want to run and play.

Of course this is a
birthday party so sooner or later a cake has to come out. Of
course the more mobile young ones come over to "help blow out the
candles" and seem to be first in line for a cupcake. They
have played this game before.
Having our bellies full, we gather for portraits. We are
missing a few - Kayla and Chrissy are at work and Kiera had to go
to bed early.

At these events I always seem a little silly -
running around like crazy taking photos of people (like 445 photos
in just under 3 hours - 2.7 photos a minute). There are that
many opportunities where everyone gets together and even fewer have
great light. Sorry I don't get to sit and chat with people.

A visit to Comox is more than just a
BBQ. Before and after we stopped by the Grandparents house
for an extended visit. My sister was also in town so all of
the cousins were under the same roof for a period of time.
They (the four of them) did a pretty good job playing a board game
Thanks Duncan and Deane for hosting the party - much
Grandparents And GrandchildrenPerson:
Tags: Stanley Park(2), milky way(2), astrophotography(2), birthday cake(2), playground(2), Terra Nova Adventure Play Environment(2)
People: Nara(12), Claira(9), Marcus(8), James(8), Philip(7), Edna(6)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > August 2016
Last Modified Saturday, January 28th, 2023 at 22:54:38 Edit
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