Norvan Falls
I nice bit of water at the end

This valley was once filled giant cedar trees. Like several other
north shore hikes, there are now huge stumps that stand testiment to
how large these trees used to be. Thankfully there are a few
older trees along the trail to remind you what this valley will some
day look like again.
Shortly after we started hiking we found this huge group of hikers
coming up behind us. There were at least two dozen people there
and I was kind of worried about a really crowded day. When we got
to the turn off for Lynn Peak and we found even more hikers.
Turns out this was a hiking club and they were all going up to the
peak. Cool.
One of my favorite parts of this hike is the overlook. You have
done a bit of hiking to get up here and you are rewarded with both a
view and the a nice place to hang out for a snack.

There are lots of details in the forest. You are
generally looking at your feet to avoid tripping on roots and you see
lots of things going by.

The brige over Norvan Creek is new to my memory. It's pretty high
tech - very tight steel cables and a fancy grid walking surface.
There is quite a bit of bounce as you walk its length.

Rather than crossing over, we headed up to the falls and had some
lunch. The falls, while not huge, are pretty fantastic. The
sun wasn't falling directly on the falls so the exposure was a bit
tricky - it's amazing what photoshop can do.

On the way back I noticed the light falling on a small tree.
There was a hole in the foliage that lit up the ground and this one
tree was taking full advantage of the light. Given my difficulty
with photographing trees, I did my best to take advantage.
Tags: hiking(5), bridge(3), mushroom(2), tree(2), trail(2), waterfall(2)
People: Jin(4), Andrea(3), Bob(3), Helen(3), Jesse(3), Kat(3)
From: John Harvey Photo > John Harvey Photo - Hiking > Norvan Falls
Great hiking photos! Great scenery! If you are ever in El Paso, Texas please feel free to hike with us.
Thanks for sharing!
Bob Medley
Bob Medley
Tuesday, February 19th, 2008 at 19:54:29
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:45:07 Edit
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