Waterfalls on

The first waterfall we visited was the spectacular Wailua Falls. The
waterfalls are a short drive from Lihue (the capitol of the island) through
the sugar cane fields. There is a small parking lot at the falls which
fluctuates between very busy (tour bus there) and pretty quite (tour bus
gone). Having seen other pictures of the falls, it seems the water
flow changes quite a bit and we saw it at it's maximum.

Our next view came at Opaekaa Falls - though less spectacular than Wailua,
it has a understated charm of it's own. I imagine that most of the
rain forest waterfalls on the island look like this one.

It's probably not a coincidence that the Hauola O' Honaunau is located within
walking distance of Opaekaa Falls. The grass fields around the Heiau
are planted with Palm trees. Seeing as palms propagate by dropping
coconuts, I doubt they normally grow this high up - but they were well maintained,
and looked great in the setting sun.
North Shore | Lighthouse| Flowers | Waterfalls| Underwater | Boogie Boarding | Canyon | Animals
Tags: Hawaii(4), waterfall(2), palm(2), HDR(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Kauai, Hawaii > Waterfalls on Kauai, Hawaii
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > Maui > Kauai, Hawaii > Waterfalls on Kauai, Hawaii
From: John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Maui > Kauai, Hawaii > Waterfalls on Kauai, Hawaii
Last Modified Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 23:39:35 Edit
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