August 2014
The Summer Travel Month
Grandma's House

The goal is for our kids to see their
grandparents for at least two days a month. We live in
Vancouver, they live in Victoria so it seems reasonable that some
together weekends should be spent there, some in Vancouver.
August's get together is in Victoria. We took the ferry over
on Saturday morning (less crazy, but still packed) and arrived in
time for nap. After dinner we went to McMinn Park for a good
play. Nara really likes firepoles right now and Claira has
graduated from exclusively swing to swing and slide.
Fun on the Deck

We live in a Condo. My parents have
a back yard and large deck accessible from the living room.
Given that it is beautiful weather outside, the kids spent as much
time in the back yard as they could. My Dad is growing his
collection of small people bikes and Claira really likes
bubbles. Helen seems to have cleaned out a toy store of
their bubble products - one down side of a deck (as opposed to
grass) is the deck gets slippery when you break a lot of bubbles
over it.
Time Not at Home

Claira takes a few hour nap every
afternoon. Nara doesn't nap anymore. Nara and I often
go out on little adventures. Today we went up to the top of
Mount Doug. Nara quite enjoys climbing bits of rock and I
was quite surprised to find butterflies flying around the
peak. Claira has a scary habit of running away from us (and
into trouble) to make her life more interesting - there are too
many steep slopes for Claira up here.
Another morning we went to a Parent and Child class at Swan Lake
Nature House. This week was snake class - I was surprised to
see 4 girls and a boy in the class. The instructor showed
four different snakes - a garter snake, a corn snake, a ball
python and a milk snake. Only the garter snake is local -
the other three snakes are from pet stores. Funny enough -
all of the snakes were found around Swan lake. People "drop
off" their pets in the park and eventually the park staff have
recovered them. They are now part of a touring exhibit - the
fee's for the class probably pay for some of their mouse-icles.

Sometimes Nara just likes to colour or
hang out with Grandma. During on nap, I walked over to
Outerbridge park for a walk around. Begining of August, it
is dry and the pond levels are low.
Grandfathers 90th Birthday

Yes, my grandfather just turned 90.
It took a bit of work, but almost all of his children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren gathered in the same place
to wish him a happy birthday. My uncle kindly offered to
host an afternoon BBQ in the front garden of his lovely home.

There are currently 6 great grandchildren,
all within 5 years of each other. The youngest is
Kiera - just a little over one year old. She is currently
more of a "talker" than a "walker" - she would imitate words as
she heard them.

Claira is next youngest at just over
two. She has an older sister Nara who is 4.

At two and half is Lexi Mae. She
knows her way around the yard and really enjoyed having other kids
to play with.

Next is James at three. He has an
older brother who is five and really doesn't like having his photo

Dinner was great - smokies and burgers on
the BBQ with a great spread of salads and sides. For dessert
we had a large birthday cake and a Ice Cream Bar staffed by Shauna
and Chrissy. After dinner we started putting together the
combinations of people for group photos.

I wasn't sure when the wagon was going to
come out, but I knew it would eventually. Every year the
wagon gets full of kids and pulled around the yard. This
year it was "feats of strength" time as the grand kids pulled the
great grand kids around the yard.

Thanks everyone for coming out and putting
up with all the picture taking.
Kye Bay

Parents have a lot of different strategies to
make dinner with kids less crazy. One of our tricks is to
tire the kids out with a walk or trip to the playground before a
dinner out. We have a VanDusen annual pass so it's not so
hard to just drop in walk around. This time we were lucky
and stumbled into an owl. We almost missed it - a woman
said there was an owl ahead but wasn't very specific about
where. We actually walked past it before giving up and
checking our tracks. Glad we found it.
Grandparents With GrandchildrenPerson:
Tags: butterfly(4), insect(3), Kye Beach(2), wagon(2), invasive(2), flower(2)
People: Claira(13), Nara(13), Marcus(5), James(5), Lexi May(4), Edna(4)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > August 2014
Last Modified Sunday, January 29th, 2023 at 20:44:25 Edit
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