November 2017
Those fall days are short
Girls Getting Haircuts

I find haircuts are a fun time to take
photos. The kids are mostly distracted and they are in an
environment that isn't normal for them.
This trim was a little longer than most - we have had a lot of
tangles recently. The kids didn't seem to mind until the end
when they realized their hair was shorter.
Fall Colours and Snow at Queen Elizabeth Park
We don't normally get snow in
November. A usual year for us is a few days of snow sometime
in January or February. Seeing snow falling in November
reminded me of just how crazy last winter was - weeks of snow on
the ground and snow late into spring. The snow today was a
strange confluence of weather - it didn't have any chance to stick
to the ground in Vancouver, but you did see the odd vehicle with
snow on the roof.
Perhaps because of the strange weather, I found an owl with
strange behaviour. The owl was sleeping in clump of trees
about four feet off the ground, right next to a large
pathway. The bird was trying hard to sleep, but the noise
from walking dogs would sometimes stir it awake. I didn't
see anything wrong with the bird - it appeared fine, just making
strange choices.
Cupcake Decorating

In the rainy season,
we get lots of days of just rain. Having a fun indoor activity
is a good way to avoid cranky kids. Helen came up with the
idea of making "Monster" cupcakes using piping bugs and thick icing.
One of the challenges was the size of the canvas. Every new
monster you make is a potential treat in the future so a dozens of
muffins (three for each kid) was all we could reasonably make.
If we had some event to give them to (bake sale?) the kids could
have made much more.
Biking to Olympic Village
We got a break in the rain and Helen wanted to go grocery shopping
so the kids and I got on bikes and rode over to the Olympic Village
via the seawall. Much of the seawall turned out to be closed
so we had to detour to city streets which isn't so much fun with a
five year old. We got off our bikes at the Habitat Island and
the kids went to play on the rocks.
We rode into the village and had a snack at the bakery.
We got home by lunch time and the kids had a good afternoon indoors
after the rain started again.
Walk at Iona Beach
Iona beach is a great place to see migrant
birds during the spring and fall season. November is not the
season - this time of the year you will only see locals.
That said, it's a still a nice part of the world with views of the
ocean and river and a mix of pond and shore habitat. I went
for a walk to see what was out on a nice weekend.
East Side Culture Crawl
One of the highlights of the year for me is
the East Side Culture Crawl. For a weekend in November,
artists on East Side of Vancouver open their studios and thousands
of people march through. Some locations (1000 Parker Place)
are crazy busy. Some locations are quiet.
Many artists have policies on taking photos of their work - many
are okay as long as you tag them. I like to photograph the
spaces and tools. Perhaps next year, I'll bring a wide angle
lens and actually photograph spaces.
The kids can't take more than a hour or two of crawling.
This year it was poring all weekend so we did a repeat - the
MakerLabs on Cordova. They had an interactive exhibit where
you could leave positive messages on balloons. The kids
really enjoyed making their own addition to the piece and
wandering through the tags.
Carving Pumpkins
We were a little late on carving pumpkins
this year. The pumpkins sat out on the deck, dry and cold
and they were still good to carve a few weeks late. Naras
pumpkin was considerably thinner than Clairas which is why it
glowed brighter. The pumpkins lasted about 3 days before the
brown fungus got yucky.
Tags: Eastside Culture Crawl(8), haircut(5), Queen Elizabeth Park(5), fall colour(4), cup cake(4), decorating(3)
People: Claira(8), Nara(6), Haley(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > November 2017
Last Modified Sunday, January 22nd, 2023 at 00:00:24 Edit
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