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Silly Poses On Bridge Claira With Winter Boots Kids At Gate Two Kids On Stump White Crowned Sparrow Beans Picked For The Feast Me And My Daughters By The Sunflowers Gem Studded Puffball Large Orange Fungus Mugs For Sale Claira Running On Boardwalk Claira On Tree Swing Poppies In Garden Raccoon With Christmas Palm Tree Candy Canes Short Fountain Of Drops Crocus Growing In Median Group Photo Looking Aside Fireworks In Park Leaving Pink House Claira At The Top Of The Slide View Down Oak Street Claira Got Place Ribbon Chris Giving Cheer Claira Wants To Throw At Me Kids Throwing Snowballs At Me Family Skating At Sunset Musicans Ready To Play Biking Through Cherry Blossom Intersection Cherry Blossom Tunnel On Tenth Performing In Willow Tree Find Claira Challenge Kids At Message Table Walking Down Lit Stairs Lanterns Carried Behind People Claira And Nara At Start Of Walk Fern Nearly Straight Fern Growing Out Of Mossy Trunk Butterfield House No Lawn Front Yard Fern With A Slight Twist CSArnold House Classical Garden Flowers Opening To Sphere Chickadee Looking For Sunflower Seeds Snail Exploring Arbutus Claira Making Faces With David Douglas Red Breasted Nuthatch On Douglas Fir Claira Running Down Path Blue Christmas Tree In Pond Rhodo With Dew Orb Weaver On Web Blues And Purples Mixed Claira Out In Front Claira Riding On Grass Lit Pumpkins On Wall Nara In AClump Of Maidenhair Fern Honeybee Looking In Flowers Smiling Pumpkin Bridge Grape Hyacinth Sitting Under Cherry Blossoms Orange Crowned Sparrow In Cherry Blossums Satyr Anglewing On Chewed Leaf Townsends Solitaire Ruby Crowned Kinglet Eating Bugs Annas On Moss Lichen Nest Claira Holding Frosty Leaf Female Annas With Red Alder Holding Up Pond Ice Claira Higher Than Daddy Northern Harrier With Feather Great Blue Heron With Morning Fog Bald Eagle Looking For Snack Hooded Merganser Juvenile With Crab Iona Spit At Sunset Red Wing Blackbird In Red Elderberry Red Winged Blackbird In Bulrush Banded Marsh Wren Rufus Looking At Me Walking Near Edge Of Marsh Raccoon Looking For Bed Mink On Log Boom Two Tree Swallows On Nest Box Two Osprey And A Bald Eagle Dark Eyed Junko Testing Band Female Rufous On Blackberry Bald Eagle Flying With Bird Remains Female Red Winged Blackbird With Baby Food Swallows On Nest Box North Arm Of Fraser Tugboat And Barge Nara Walking On Bridge Wild Carrot Lining Path Claira Running On River Walk At The Beach At Sunset Claira Scooting Scooters In Southlands Tite House Walking With Japanese Knotweed Sticks Large Enough To Play Football CSArnold House Arch In Back Yard
Classical Garden Classical Garden
Tags: garden
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > June 2007 > Classical Garden

High Contrast Flower There are studio setups you can use to get this effect so I was quite surprised when it happened outside. Basically the flower is in full sunlight but correctly exposed. The background was a bit shady, but the contrast is so high that the background looks black.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2019 > High Contrast Flower

Walking In Flowers Walking In Flowers
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2019 > Walking In Flowers

Chickadee Looking For Sunflower Seeds The yellow is the background was actually a large cedar hedge lit by the morning sun. I was really surprised this turned out - 1/40th of a second is usually way too slow to photograph an active bird like a Chickadee.
Tags: VanDusen
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > August 2015 > Chickadee Looking For Sunflower Seeds
John Harvey Photo > VanDusen Botanical Garden > Chickadee Looking For Sunflower Seeds

Nara Learning To Fly At this point, Nara will jump off of almost anything to get a photo of her flying. Claira wants to make a glider.
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2019 > Nara Learning To Fly

Butterfly On My Sock Butterfly On My Sock
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2019 > Butterfly On My Sock

Painted Lady In Gravel Painted Lady In Gravel
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2019 > Painted Lady In Gravel

Climbing On Giant Chair Climbing On Giant Chair
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2019 > Climbing On Giant Chair

Sitting On Arms Of Giant Chair Sitting On Arms Of Giant Chair
Tags: VanDusen
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > July 2019 > Sitting On Arms Of Giant Chair

CSArnold House CSArnold House
John Harvey Photo > Blogs for 2024 to 2005 > June 2024 > CSArnold House