Planting Apple Trees
My dad has wanted apple trees for a long time. He wanted a McIntosh style apple but you won't get fruit if you just plant a single tree so we paired it with a Victory apple tree. We purchased the trees as "bare root stock" from a nursery near Duncan and needed to dig some holes in the back yard to plant the trees
This is 695 frames, taken every 8 seconds from 2:38pm to 4:25pm. Exposure was f7.1 at 1/125 of a second.
Japanese Rock Garden
I was here 17 years ago if you want a comparison. The lantern is in the same place, now with more moss. That "island" in the foreground is new and the rocks have moved a lot. You can see when some of those bushes were just planted.
Sunken Garden
This is the Sunken Garden - in my mind the crown jewel of the garden. For a comparison, look at 12 years earlier and two generations earlier technology.
Photographers In Garden
One of the things I like about Japanese photographers is that they all travel with tripods. No one looks at you strange when you show up with a tripod.