Windy Bay
And some clever
overnighted in Thurston Harbour, part of Talunkwan Island. It
was a quiet and cloud free night so I setup my tripod to see if I
could see the Milky way from here. Taking photos from a small
boat is normally a non-starter, but the night was so wind free that
I did some star images. I think the limiting factor was
actually marine fog.
We got under way to our days
destination - Windy Bay. We spotted a large pod of Pacific
White-sided dolphins coming up beside us.
Windy Bay
Windy Bay has a nice beach, but the shore is very shallow here so
the ocean goes a long way when the tide goes out. Rather
than going directly to Windy Bay, we took a side route to visit
some very large trees.
Windy bay is quite a modern site.
Skaga Island
I really wasn't expecting Skaga Island - the island is made entirely
of Columnar Basalt meaning this is slowly cool magma, probably from
lava lake in volcano. This island is special to the Haida -
Shamen were interned here because they were too powerful to be
interned with regular people.
Our next stop was Tatsung Rock to see the sea lion haul out.
We ended the day in Island Bay.
Claira helped Carmen make dessert
earlier in the day and she helped bring it out. I think she
was quite happy to help out.
We shared
the Bay with at least 30 Risso's Dolphins - maybe more. The
bay is quite large, and sometime the dolphins were quite far from us
and sometimes they got closer. While I watched, the Rissos
never came up to the boat to see us.
Chasing Dolphins in a kayak really doesn't work - just the regular
swim speed of dolphins is faster than what kayaks can do. We
went out for a nice paddle in the bay.
Tags: marine mammal(4), kayaking(3), columnar basalt(2), dolphin(2), sailboat(1), native art(1)
People: Claira(1)
From: John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Haida Gwaii > Windy Bay
Last Modified Saturday, September 9th, 2023 at 23:23:12 Edit
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