Haida Gwaii, 2023

Welcome To Haida Gwaii

We arrived in Sandspit a day before our trip began. The next morning we took the ferry over to the Graham Island side to see the Haida Gwaii Museum and go for a walk to Spirt Lake. We ended the day on Island Solitude.
(July 9th and 10th 2022)


We visited our first Watchmen site - Skedans. We also visted Limestone Island, and Important Bird Area.
(July 11th, 2023)

Windy Bay

We had an amazing encounter with Pacific White Sided Dolphins and saw Looking Around And Blinking House in Windy Bay.
(July 12th, 2023)

Beach Clean Up

We reached our furthest south. Being exposed to the open Ocean, the captain set us up for a beach clean up where we bagged and removed washed up garbage on the beach.
(July 13th, 2023)

SGang Gwaay

SGang Gwaay was one of the southernmost village sites and has the best standing poles of any site in Haida Gwaii.  We also visited Rose Harbour and had an Orca sighting.
(July 14th, 2023)

Hot Spring Island

We started the morning with a paddle through Burnaby Narrows - the famed inter-tidal channel between Moresby Island and Burnaby Island.  In the afternoon we visited the Hot Springs on Hot Spring Island and enjoyed a soak.
(July 15th, 2023)


We started with a paddle around the rocks near Murchison Island - another rich intertidal zone.  We stopped by the water dock to refill the boat and then visited the watchman site Tanu where a large village once stood.  In the evening we saw a bear and Orca.
(July 16th, 2023)

Graham Island

Post Trip, we staying in Daajing Giids for a few nights and then moved to Masset for a few nights.  I visited the
wreck of the Pezuta, Tow Hill and Skidegate days.
(July 17th to 22nd)

Pole Pushed Over By Tree
Pacific Whitesided Three Phases Of Jump
Species: Sagmatias obliquidens (Pacific White-sided Dolphin)
Altitude: 5m (16 feet)
Location: Go To...
Rizzos Blowing
Species: Grampus griseus (Risso's Dolphin)
Tags: dolphin, marine mammal, whale
Poles Viewed From Beach
Altitude: 7m (22 feet)
Location: Go To...
Colourful Tube Worms
Species: Metridium senile (Plumose Anemone), Serpula columbiana (Red Tubeworm, Calcareous Tube Worm)
Tags: underwater
Poles From The Beach
Altitude: 1m (3 feet)
Location: Go To...
Tags: Museum, totem pole
Egg Yolk Jellyfish
Species: Phacellophora camtschatica (Egg-yolk Jelly)
Tags: jellyfish
Nicest Trail Head Ever
Altitude: 19m (62 feet)
Location: Go To...
From: John Harvey Photo > John's Overnight Page > Haida Gwaii

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Last Modified Monday, September 4th, 2023 at 20:55:33 Edit
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