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about map data... Centered at 113 31' 51'', 22 11' 09'',
Map Width: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
29685m per pixel
14842m per pixel
7421m per pixel
3710m per pixel
1855m per pixel
927m per pixel
463m per pixel
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Coming Off Ferry On Po Toi Island Burning Coil Incense Burner In Front Of Temple View On Lamma Island Standing Just In The Water Shek O Chinese Dolphins Near Tai O Buddha Looking Down Ready To Ride Bikes City View At Night Kayakers Entering Sea Arch Pavillion Bridge With Tall Buildings Behind Pair On Surface Macaque Claira Walking On Beach Bird Bar Long Valley Fields
King Fisher Fishing This is 5 photos composited in photoshop. This tiny bird was repeatedly fishing (dumb fish) so I shot on each flight. Too bad I don't own a 1500mm lens.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong > King Fisher Fishing

Egret Fishing The black bill and legs and yellow feet make this a Little Egret in my book. This dull yellow feet make this look like a juvenile to me.
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong > Egret Fishing

Claira Going For Boat Ride Claira Going For Boat Ride
Tags: boat
John Harvey Photo > Hong Kong 10 > Claira Going For Boat Ride

House Now For Tourists House Now For Tourists
John Harvey Photo > Hong Kong 10 > House Now For Tourists

Fatty Sausages Fatty Sausages
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong > Fatty Sausages
John Harvey Photo > Learn Photography > Learn To Photograph Markets > Fatty Sausages

Drying Fish Hanging Drying Fish Hanging
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong > Drying Fish Hanging
John Harvey Photo > Learn Photography > Learn Composition > Drying Fish Hanging

Steamed Fish This fish was purchased outside of the restaurant and we brought it in to be cooked. It was live not very long before this picture.
John Harvey Photo > Hong Kong 10 > Steamed Fish

Fisherman Walking From One Boat To Another Fisherman Walking From One Boat To Another
John Harvey Photo > Hong Kong 10 > Fisherman Walking From One Boat To Another

Fishing Boat Heading Out Fishing Boat Heading Out
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong Chinese New Years > Fishing Boat Heading Out

Boats Docked Boats Docked
John Harvey Photo > Trips out of the Country > Hong Kong > Boats Docked