Tea Kettle On The Boil
The Kettle was on in Hugh Kearney's studio. He had the best library I saw anywhere - book on three sides making a room within the studio. I like how the studio was captured in the reflection on the kettle.
Steam Shed
I think this shed was directly connected to a hot springs source. The hot water pours from tub to tub and people soak some sort of food product in them.
Boiling Red Spring at Umi Jigoku
Umi Jigoku is known for it's sea-blue pool, but I found the more natural (and less steamy) rust coloured pool more attractive.
Blue Pool of Hell
Umi Jigoku is known for it's sea-blue pool, but the grounds and surround gates are also worth visiting. The pool was hard to photograph - there is so much steam, the pool and the color is often obscured.